1.6-The Ups and Downs

04-17-15_9-10 AM

My favorite past time during this pregnancy has got to be my writing! I just love losing myself for hours creating stories! I started a poetry book titled, “Moons Baby”

04-17-15_9-16 AM

I’m quite proud of Manu. He has become a great cook and has recently loved writing. Of course it’s hard to get me off the computer but when I’m off he likes to work on his first book called, “Do It”

04-17-15_9-17 AMI’m loving the fact that I’m having a kid but I’m hating the frequent bathroom breaks!
04-17-15_9-21 AM

I finished my poetry book and got started on a kids book called “The Frog Jumped Over The Plumbob” I can’t wait to read it to my little baby.

04-17-15_9-28 AM

Worst of all the pregnancy symptoms has got to be the morning sickness I’d like to wake up and not want to barf for once.

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Manu has started the handy skill since the shower decided to break on us. I’m glad he could fix it because we are tight on money.

04-17-15_9-34 AM

In order to buy a room for the baby Manu decided to go collecting for some extra money. I really want a baby room not just a bassinet in our bedroom.
04-17-15_9-38 AM-2

Ed-I’m so happy that you guys are having a baby.

May-Omg I think I’m gonna puke.

Manu- So how did your wife deal with her pregnancy?

Ed came over after I told him the news over the phone. He was so excited for us!

04-17-15_9-39 AM-2

Manu-Wow! Thats our little boy in there?

May-Boy huh?

Manu-Yup gonna be a beautiful boy mix of us two

May-We’ll see

Me and Manu are getting really excited to meet our baby! It was amazing to feel a sim kicking inside of me,

04-17-15_9-46 AM

But puking was NOT an amazing feeling! I can’t believe this last for 4 sim days


04-17-15_9-49 AM

May-MANU! Get the plum in here!The stove freakin broke and i’m hungry! THIS BABY IS HUNGRY!

After puking I was really hungry and decided to cook some breakfast, I am after all at skill level 5. But unlucky me didn’t get to finish because the stove broke! My hormones were crazy and i was pissed off and started yelling.

04-17-15_9-50 AM-2

Manu- It’s okay sweetheart! I got this it’ll be fixed in no time.

May-Oh yeah….keep rubbing right there!

Manu was such a great husband though. He calmed me down, gave me an amazing massage and fixed the stove!

04-17-15_9-54 AM

Katrina-Hello Little one? Its me, your favorite aunt! Aunty Katrina!

May-Does favorite uncle Ed want to talk to future baby Landers?

Ed-Naw I’m good

Katrina and Ed came over. Ed seemed tense and I figured he was just having a bad day. He didn’t stay for long. Katrina on the other hand couldn’t get enough on the baby. she was either asking me questions or petting my tummy.

04-17-15_9-57 AM

May-Hey girl! SO i’m pregnant!

Lily-Your’re in your second trimester already? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?

Lily came over to read some of my new books and catch up. I felt so bad because I had forgotten to tell her the news!

04-17-15_9-58 AM

May-Oh I am so sorry! I forgot you don’t talk to Ed and Katrina!

I gave her a hug and she moved on to the subject of her boyfriend.

04-17-15_10-01 AM

So this old lady has decided to come over like every single day. She never really talks to us. I’m really concerned!

04-17-15_10-03 AM

So I’m just sitting at my computer typing when I hear what sounds like a gun shot!( scared me so freakin much) I ran outside as fast as my pregnant body could take me. I was mad she knocked over my trash can but glad no one was dead!

04-17-15_10-08 AM

We finally scraped up enough money to get a beautiful neutral baby bedroom built! I can’t wait for this baby to be here!

04-17-15_10-12 AM

Throughout  my third trimester I became obsessed with cleaning, I didn’t feel like working on my new book tilted,” coming full term.”

04-17-15_10-18 AM

As silly as it seems I asked Manu to be my best friend. Ed was a great friend but Manu has truly become by Best friend. He does afterall live with me and love me!

04-17-15_10-24 AM

May-Ready for a baby?

Manu- Now???

I took family leave and Manu took a vacation day the minute I entered my third trimester so he would be home to help me. We were watching( thats what you call that )  tv when my water broke.

04-17-15_10-26 AM

I was excited, nervous, scared and it hurt like nothing I had ever felt. Manu calmly stood by reassuring me and being there if I needed him.

04-17-15_10-27 AM

It was hard and long but before I knew it I was holding ( wow carissa you document everything but the name of the baby….great job! ) Kyle Landers!

Manu was right! We had ourselves a little boy!

1.5-The Darkness of a Wedding

04-01-15_11-17 AM

*Authors note*

lol so in the story  she doesn’t have him move in but I moved him in just before the wedding cause I wanted to change his apappearance but shh……. she doesn’t know that…..

also can I get a laugh for the outfit he had for active?

Changed it!04-01-15_11-19 AM

Makayla-Hey Ed, Katrina and Don ( why Don? He’s a womanizer! ) i’m getting married today and I would love it if you would celebrate it with me!


Welcome back guys 🙂

Are you guys as excited as me that i’m getting married?
04-01-15_11-24 AM

So I forgot that they switched over to wedding clothes when the party started. turns out Makayla doesn’t like the norm of a white dress.

Ed- I am so excited for you guys! i wish you all the happiness!

Makayla- Thanks! I just can’t believe I found love!

Katrina-you guys are so halmarky!


I was so jittery while I was talking with all the guests

I just couldn’t believe I was about to get married


04-01-15_11-26 AM

Makayla-It’s great to see you Don!

No its not

Don- you call me if he gives you troubles, okay?

Katrina- *whispers* he bothers me

Ed-so i have some advice……Don’t fart after okay?

Manu-Can’t promise that


Through all the jitters I had an amazing time chatting with my friends.

Off to the Alter we go guys!!!!!!!

04-01-15_11-28 AM-2

*Cue Wedding Bells*

dun dunt ta da

Manu- May Baby I am so blessed to have met you! I can’t wait to grow our love as we get older

04-01-15_11-29 AM

Manu-I love you baby. I do. I do pledge to be with you through the crazy and the weird and hold your hand and laugh through the tears.

04-01-15_11-29 AM-2

Stupid Sims

I bought the bench’s for a reason!!!

04-01-15_11-30 AM

May-When I first met you I couldn’t believe the Sim God made someone so hilarious so sincere so happy and so attractive. I know I’m not perfect but I pledge to commit to you and be there every moment I can and love you through this life. I do. pledge to do this life with you!

04-01-15_11-30 AM-2

Manu-You love it?

May- Best thing you could have pulled out of nowhere!

Omg i just realized they both start with M. 




04-01-15_11-31 AM

its official guys! we are married! I’m so happy he agreed to keep my last name!

Manu Landers 🙂

04-01-15_11-34 AM

Stupid imaginary cake

It was a great after party and I have to say I loved smearing the cake all over his face!

04-01-15_11-36 AM-2

Manu-Everyone’s gone. It was the best wedding ever! Ready to make it better?



04-01-15_11-39 AM

Dude Ed told you not to fart.

Isn’t that romantic? Waiting til your wife is asleep to slip out of bed and let it rip?

04-01-15_11-45 AM

Manu loves to make drinks and he’s around skill 8 (I think)  so we scrapped up some money and bought him a bar and put in in the backyard.

04-01-15_11-47 AM

A bunch of my neighbors came over to congratulate us and give us some advice. Its so great to have such nice neighbors!

I find it creepy but ok

04-01-15_11-48 AM-2

I couldn’t wait so I took a pregnancy test while on the pot and guess what?!?!
Baby Manu and May is on its way!

There is a little sim growing inside of me. Its just so amazing!

04-01-15_11-49 AM

le smelly arms

May-Honey guess what??


May- I’m pregant!

Manu- OMP! Really? Wow you are fertile girl! That is so exciting! We are starting a family!


There you have it folks

the start of a new life 🙂

1.4-I Liked It, I Put A Ring On It

Welcome back friends! Today is a new day! I decided to go check out the towns Library, actually I think its in the other town but it was worth the travel!
04-01-15_10-32 AM

I saw Lily( I think thats her name lol so its gonna be)  at the library. I think she will become a close friend along with Katrina.

(Hello mascot librarian lol)

04-01-15_10-34 AM-2

Me- So what books do you like? I love almost anything, romance, mystery, comedy. I’m currently working on a short story if you want to read it when I’m done.

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Lily- That would be awesome. My favorite is fantasy. I love reading about fairytales maybe cause I’m still waiting for my prince lol


I had a great talk with Lily and I was happy to hear that she would read my book.

04-01-15_10-36 AM

I spent the rest of the day reading different books. I read a cooking book and learned some great tips. I can’t wait to cook for Manu!

04-01-15_10-42 AM

the next few days were a blur. I focused on work and when I wasn’t at work I was working on my short story-The Start Of Something New. Manu was busy (with whatever he does lol) so I didn’t see him for a few days.

04-01-15_10-51 AM

My working paid off and I came home with a promotion to Freelance Article Writer. Get ready to see some articles in the sims chronicles about me!

04-01-15_10-54 AM

The next day I finished and published my book. That’s two down!!

04-01-15_10-56 AM

Me- Your been there for me for everything, would you do me the honors of being my best friend?

Ed- Of course lol

Ed came over to celebrate my promotion and new book being published. it was then that I asked him to be my best friend 🙂 He’s a real great friend!

04-01-15_10-57 AM

Look at us acting like teenagers and taking a picture together 🙂

04-01-15_11-06 AM

Later that day I started my third book and my second short story called- The Tall Tale of Mr.Peter. Its kinda like a short story for the younger kids.

04-01-15_11-09 AM

I literally felt like she was staring at me when I paused it to take this photo.She is smiling int my soul

Manu- Hey sweetie its been awhile since we’ve talked. I’m so proud of you. Promotion and a book out!

Me-Thanks Manu. I’m so glad you came over.


Manu came over the next morning and I was excited because I had been thinking about proposing to him.

04-01-15_11-11 AM-2

Me-I love you so much and I can’t imagine not living my life with you. I want to experience SIms 4 with you. Will you marry me?

Manu- Dam girl how much did this ring cost?

Me-Uhh……. nothing it came from my pocket the minute I knew I wanted to propose

04-01-15_11-11 AM-3

Manu- Well I love it so much and yes, yes, May I love you so much and i can’t wait to start life with you!


There it is folks!

wooop woop

1.3-Loved By Everyone

Welcome back 🙂

Last time I talked to you I got a new job, best friend and a boyfriend and a promotion

03-26-15_9-25 PM

Which leads to this awesome computer that they gave me after i got promoted. I’m really starting to love my job. i love writing books but I love to take a break to play sims 1,its weird to think that someone is playing me but I like to think I make my own choices ( your so wrong honey )

03-26-15_9-30 PM

Me-So guess what happened this morning?

Ed- Manu came over and asked you to be his girlfriend?

Me- close but  I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said yes!!!


Ed came over later that day, he gave my eyes a break from the computer. I was so close to finishing my book.

03-26-15_9-33 PM

Katrina- Hey girl,  so tell me all about your new job and boyfriend!

 Katrina came over later that day. It was great to see her since I hadn’t talked to her since the day at the park. It was also great to have a girl to talk to. I mean Ed’s an awesome guy but he’s a guy.


03-26-15_9-36 PM

Me-Katrina, this is my boyfriend, Manu.

Manu- Yes I am he


Manu came over when I was talking to Katrina. I was so excited for the two of them to meet.

03-26-15_9-37 PM

Katrina- OMP I am like so excited  for you guys, like you don’t even know

Katrina sure was happy which made me so happy. If my friends didn’t like him, I don’t know what I would do!

03-26-15_9-38 PM

So I went inside to let the two of them bond and I worked on my book which was almost done.

03-26-15_9-44 PM

*insert name here*- Hey its great to see you again, you dating that guy you were talking to at the bar the other night?

One of the girls who I met at the bar before I saw Manu came over. She came over for a chit chat and I told her all about Manu and how its going and she talked to be about her family.

03-26-15_9-46 PM

I didn’t want to wait till I could send my book to the publisher, so I went outside the minute I finished my book and put it in the mail to be published.

03-26-15_9-53 PM

Later that night I decided to go to the gym and work out. This nice lady gave me some great tips and showed me around the gym. I’m really loving sims 4.

03-26-15_10-08 PM

Me-I bet she’s like ‘I remember when I was their age I could still woohoo’

Manu-Yes but sadly if I do it I might die

Me-*giggles* yes thats exactly whats she is saying


Manu invited me out for a date and of course I said yes. I couldn’t wait to spend a whole evening with him.

03-26-15_10-10 PM

Manu- So how are you liking sims 4

Me- Its so great! I’m so glad I came!

Manu-Why because I’m in it 😉


We spent a good while sitting on the couch talking and wasting the night away.

03-26-15_10-10 PM-2

sometimes I hate having to get mushy

Manu- I could look into your eyes all night and be the happiest sim ever


Dam that guy is a charmer. Man i hope I get to have his kids!

03-26-15_10-11 PM

Me-I had an amazing time tonight!

Manu-I did to and I know for a fart… I mean fact that I love you!

Me- Oh I love you too!

are they cute or what?


Before I knew it it was time for home and we said our goodbyes

and he told me he loved me!! It was such a relief to hear.

03-26-15_10-16 PM

I’ve become quite the cooker and I am already to level three of cooking. My budget doesn’t like it but my belly does! I’ve yet to burn a meal and I plan on keeping it like that.03-26-15_10-18 PM

The morning started as usual, a friendly visit from Ed. I can’t wait to see what the next chapter has for me, Marriage, Promotion, Baby, more books the possibilities are endless!

1.2 What is Love?

Waz up? I’m back guys!

Today is a new day and I’m excited and nervous and scared and happy and just sooo many emotions today!


Today I start my job as a writers assistant and if I do well they will keep me!

But what if I make a typo, spill something, brake something?

What will I do?

03-26-15_8-44 PM

Ed-Hows it going girl?

Me-Oh I’m sooo glad you came over! I’m freaking out. Like what if the writer asks me to send something to 12212 street and I send it to 121221 street?


Ed came over that morning because he knew it was my first day at work. He’s such a sweet man. I can tell he’ll be my friend for life. I was so nervous and I need someone to calm me down

03-26-15_8-45 PM

When I told him how scared I was, he just threw back his head and laughed,”Makayla Landers,” he said, ” You will do fine I know it! Don’t stress and do your best!”

So I took a big breath and went to work.

03-26-15_8-49 PM

Ed was sooo right! I had nothing to stress about. I did so well that they promoted me on the first day to blogger! More money and I get to blog for them for pay! How great is that?

Yesterday failed on the love search but today is a new day! I put on a dress( and some stylish converse lol) and headed to the bar.

03-26-15_8-50 PM

When I got there I ordered a drink and chatted with the girls around me. After a while I couldn’t help but think to myself, Is this a lesbian bar?

None of them seemed to be flirting with each other so I safely assumed there were just no guys here yet.

03-26-15_8-55 PM-2

Manu-Well hello there beautiful, you must be new because I would have noticed you!

Me-*giggles* Yes…hello. I’m Makayla. I just moved here, and you are?

Manu- You can Call me Manu, just don’t call me manure 😉

I crack myself up


Of course, right when I was about to give up and go home, the man of my dreams walked in, Manu Dolan. Of all the girls in the bar he could have talked to, he talked to me! He was so sweet and funny and handsome and charming and good looking and nice and did I say sweet?

03-26-15_8-58 PM

Manu- Pretty young talented sim like you must have come over with a husband?

Me-*smiles* No I grew up in a orphanage and all the boys were brothers to me and they saw me as a sister.

Manu- They must have been blind! I would have loved to grown up with you.

We got lost in conversation and before I knew it, it was 3 a.m!

03-26-15_9-01 PM

Me-*glances at clock* Oh my! *stands up* I’ve had such a good time but I must really get home!

Manu-*Stands up* Its really that late? *farts* did you hear that? Those barking spiders are loud!

Me-*Almost dies of laughter*

Omg the moment I found out he was a slob, that photo. I died of laughter. oh yeah, he’s a keeper. Who doesn’t love farts getting in the way of romantic stuff?

normal people……..


The funniest thing happened when we stood up to leave, he farted! Maybe his name is short for manure 😉 Normally this would have turned me off but I found it hilarious, I mean we are all Sim right? I grew up with a bunch of boys so hey its not the end of the world.

03-26-15_9-01 PM-2

Manu-it was so great getting to know you, I would love to do this again. how abo…….mhmmmm…….yup……see you soon then 😉


I had such an awesome night and he was such an amazing guy and I wanted to show him how I felt, so i kissed him goodbye.

Holy Cow Plant it was awesome!!!

03-26-15_9-03 PM

I walked home with a huge smile om my face. you know what they say, “Second Times the Charm!”(  no no its not) 

I soooo beat yesterday! A promotion and a hot kiss.

But I wont end this blog yet!

03-26-15_9-07 PM

Me-Oh My Plumbob Ed! I had the best night ever!!

Ed-I know I saw you at the bar


Ed-Yeah I was there, you were just so lost in Manu you didn’t notice me. I’ve only heard good about him so you tell me if he break your heart ok?

Me- oh thank you Ed!


The next morning I was so excited that i had to share my news to someone so I called Ed. I was shocked to find that he was at the bar. Did he go with his wife? but nonetheless I was excited to hear that Manu was a good man.

03-26-15_9-09 PM-2

Me-Hey Manu, how are you? so Guess what? I got new computar and……….mhmmmm……

Manu- I’d thought I’d try the mid-sentence kiss and yup, worked wonders 😉


I was so thrilled to see Manu outside when I heard a knock on the door and even more thrilled when he greeted me with a kiss.

03-26-15_9-10 PM

Me- I know I’m the girl but would you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?

Manu-Oh May nothing would make me happier!

Me- YES!!

After another long talk I just knew that I wanted to date him. I’d never met someone so…so…so… real!

03-26-15_9-11 PM

Some might think his appearance was weird but I found his clothes to be absolutely adorable!

and there’s the fact that his kisses are so……


03-26-15_9-14 PM

After a while he had to go home. He kissed me and waved good bye. I giggled and waved goodbye like a little school girl.

03-26-15_9-17 PM

Inspired by the new love I found. i started my first book, a childrens book called, What is Love? I’d made it to skill level 1 and knew it was time to start making books 🙂

1.1- Into a New Dimension

Hey Guys, so this is written from her point of view so my comments will be in italic


03-26-15_8-17 PM

Hello my  orphan friends!

Well actually, hello everyone.  If anyone is reading this Blog, they are welcome to it!

It was weird coming into this world. I fell asleep last night and woke up in a bed just knowing who I was and you all of you guys but ripped of all my skills. And guess what? I’m a young adult now! I knew this was my house so I did what you would expect me to do, I checked out the books.03-26-15_8-18 PM

After reading a great book I remembered that I needed a job. So I picked up the phone and called the recruiting company. They had a job in town as a writers assistant and  told me when and where to show up and if I did good I would get the job!

03-26-15_8-21 PM

One thing I knew, I wanted to start a family as soon as possible. So I picked up the phone, found the nearest park and went to it with a smile on my face.

03-26-15_8-23 PM

Me- Hey! I’m new to town

Eduardo-Its nice to meet you. Welcome to Oasis Spring, you can call me Ed.


there were alot of old people and children but after a while I met Eduardo

03-26-15_8-25 PM

Me-Thanks. So tell me about the town

I was shocked when he hugged me, i wasn’t used to it but hey! New dimension right?

I looked for a connection but it didn’t seem like a more than friends guy. Maybe I found my best guy friend but not my husband.

03-26-15_8-27 PM

Ed- Makayla this is Katrina, she used to live in Sims 3

Me- No way!! That is soooooo coo! tell me more!

While talking to Ed he introduced me to Katrina. It was so amazing to meet someone from sims 3.

03-26-15_8-30 PM

Kat- Ed and his wife love having me over for dinner

Me- Thats nice of him

Ed-Speaking of spouses, you come with one?

Me- No, just me, myself and I!

Turns out Ed has a wife named Donna, no wonder I didn’t feel a romantic connection. We chatted for hours but before I knew it my need bars were low so I headed home.

03-26-15_8-35 PM

I couldn’t help but smile as I chopped my first salad in sims 4. I didn’t find love but I found two great friends.

What more could I ask for?

I pray each and every one of you finds a home, miss you guys and see you next blog!

So guys what did you think? 

Meet Makayla Landers

Meet Makayla

Hello fellow simmers I have started another blog!

Because 2 is better than one


SO when I first got the demo I made this girl and said,”She will be in a story” so I gave her this awesome hairdo we got for woohooing that looks sooo awesome on her and mwhala we have a star!
03-26-15_7-57 PM

Isn’t she just so gorgeous?

Does my sim have a back story you wonder?

she does!!

I know

03-26-15_8-04 PM-2

Makayla grew up in a orphanage in sunset valley. She loved it there and didn’t want to get adopted. She loved all of the orphans around her and didn’t want to leave them. somehow her wish came true and she was never adopted. One day while reading on the computer in the library she saw an ad for a new start in a better dimension called Sims 4.

03-26-15_8-04 PM-3

So she clicked on it out of curiosity and filled out the form. The mouse was hovering over the send key when she got distracted looking at a guy, almost fell out of her chair and accidentally pressed send somehow

Clumsy Girl!

03-26-15_8-04 PM-5

Quickly she found a book in the library and read up on Sims 4. Soon the computer dinged with a response

“You have 24 hours to say good-bye to your old life”

She squealed in happiness and said good-bye to her friends promising she would write a blog so they could see what adventures she had.